Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A Note I posted on Facebook before starting this Blog...

Why an Idiot runs...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009 at 11:45am Edit Note Delete
I've listened to people that have done things in life say that they wished they had written down their experiences...well, here it goes. I am not smart enough to start my actual blog site so I am piggy-backin' Facebook's Notes application. Maybe someday Michelle Franklin will teach me...

Okay, so I agree with you...I am a complete fool for looking at the weather forecast and it's telling me the high temperature for the day is 13 degrees and snow flurries...and then that voice in my head says "Let's go run 9 miles". So I text Greg and tell him that it's cold outside and he responds with "What time do you want to run?" So now you can make that two fools. So there we were, two friends with almost matching New Balance shoes, running tights, toboggans and any fleece we could find running up and down Kanawha Blvd in Charleston on a frigid Monday night. By the way, the wind chill off the Kanawha River is not good.You might ask what in the world are they doing out there when they could be inside running on the treadmill or better yet lounging around on the couch watching tv...Well, I believe God puts us here for a reason and one of those reasons is for Greg and me to run. But with anything you do in life you have to be motivated and the only motivation we had that night was to feel the warm heat coming out of the vents of Greg's Jeep!! Since that cold night we have found an even better motivation for running and that would be....

Two Months Away...

Okay, two months from today I will set out on what I believe will be about a 5 hour journey...my first marathon!! My training is geared more to "just finish" the race but I believe you always have to set a goal and that is why I picked 5 hours. If I finish better than that, well...good for me!

I feel really good about my running even though most of my training the last two months has been indoors on the treadmill. The weather here in WV has not been the best for training outside. Today I woke up to temperatures around 10 degrees. The sun is bright and it looks great out there but Wow! is it COLD!!

We are still getting outside on each Sunday for our long runs. Two Sundays ago we did our 20 mile run. It was 27 degrees and snowing with about 20 mph wind gusts! Greg said at mile 18 that he thought a large cheesburger was chasing him. Obviously, he was joking but the mind does start to play tricks on you after being out there that long in those conditions.

Anyways, due to the cold weather here again today I will choose the #10 treadmill at the SC Rec Center to do my training run.

I can't wait for better weather!!


Monday, March 2, 2009

On Your Mark, Get Set, GO!!!

Wow! And I thought that just picking a name for my blog was stressful enough...now I've actually got to write something??

This feels a lot like the first day that I started running...April 13, 2008. It was a Sunday afternoon and I had just realized that I had signed up to run in the Susan G. Komen 5k race in two weeks. So just like that day there will probably be a lot of stopping, falling down, praying, weezing, coughing and then getting back up and trying to finish. But I've come a long way since that first day. In less than a year I have competed in several 5k and 10k races as well as the Charleston Distance Run 15 Miler. I've even recruited my best friend Greg to run with me and we are now in training for our first marathon in May 2009. So, if you've got any advice for me or would just like to say a prayer or give some words of encouragement...my ears are always open.

By the way, I finished that first 2.5 mile run that day...well, maybe more walking and falling down... in just under an hour!! Which is about the same amount of time it just took me to write my first blog.